Welcome to Aussie FIRE
The Aussie FIRE podcast is here to take you from 0 to 100 on your Financial Independence journey. A collaboration between Pearler and Strong Money Australia, this podcast covers the key aspects of Financial Independence.
Having started life as an e-book in 2020, Aussie FIRE then transformed into an audiobook in 2023. Now that all the audio chapters have been released on your favourite podcast players, Aussie FIRE has evolved into its final form: an ongoing podcast. Each episode is designed to take you through a different aspect of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) - from creating a shares portfolio, to dealing with debt. Subscribe today so you never miss an episode!
What you'll get from Aussie FIRE

When you subscribe to the Aussie FIRE podcast, you'll learn about:
- Creating more freedom, options, and choices in life
- Building a powerful money mindset
- Forming the right strategy for your finances
- Timeless lessons on investing and wealth
- Budgeting for your financial independence goals
- Crafting your ideal FIRE life - and making it happen
- Managing your money after you've retired early
- Finding (and maintaining) inspiration on your journey to FIRE
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Hayden Smith
Hayden Smith is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Pearler. Before he co-founded Pearler, Hayden had spent many a night throwing his hands up in dismay and shrieking: “Come on! Why are there no simple, down-to-earth platforms for long-term investing?”
So, you know what he did? He co-created Pearler to fill that void. Now, he applies his prodigious engineering talents and questionable taste in fashion towards building Australia's best long-term investing app.
Dave Gow
Dave Gow is the brains behind Strong Money Australia, one of Australia's leading resources for Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE).
Although he reached FIRE by age 28, Dave found that there was a shortage of resources available in plain English. To help others on their FIRE journeys, Dave decided to share his lessons in a way that everyone could understand. Now, Strong Money Australia serves as a beacon to FIRE-starters everywhere.
The ultimate guide to financial independence for Australians
With 20 co-authors from the Australian FI community, in order of appearance:

First, let's set the scene
It's mid-2020. Most of Australia is facing COVID lockdowns.
The economy is struggling, and three guys decide that now is the right time to launch an investing platform. Sure, it might have seemed like a strange moment to get a new business off the ground. But when we looked around, we only saw platforms that catered to a short term investing philosophy. We were big believers in the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement, so we committed ourselves to building a platform for it.

During those early days of Pearler, there were a lot of things we didn't know. Even so, there were three things we were certain we wanted to do:
1. Learn from our investors
and give them the features they needed
2. Create a supportive space
for the Financial Independence community to thrive
3. Help younger Aussies
to ensure they wouldn't need to work until they die
We knew we'd only achieve #1 by paying attention.
That's why, before we launched, we conducted research and ran surveys for the FIRE community. Then, as we grew, we listened to our investors and focused on automation and ETFs.
For #2 and #3, we also knew we needed to set the right foundations from the outset.
That's why, before we were ever a company, we sought out our favourite personal finance content creators. Whilst we were writing our first lines of code, we commissioned these creators to contribute to the Aussie FIRE e-book.
Beyond sharing their insights in Aussie FIRE, these creators became some of our first investors. They grew their wealth with us whilst we grew our platform, and we'll always be grateful for their early support.
That was 2020. Then, in 2023, we got the band back together and released Aussie FIRE as an audiobook. Now that all the audio chapters are available for you, we want to keep the party going. That's why Dave and Hayden have teamed up to turn Aussie FIRE into a regular, ongoing podcast. Welcome to the next stage of the Aussie FIRE journey!