The good news: Automate won't change anything about your existing autoinvest experience. We've built Automate to integrate seamlessly with our platform, so no existing functions will change.
The even BETTER news: you'll be able to enjoy an array of new additional features. With Automate, you can manage your full range of investments without needing to time the markets and without the complexity of managing multiple bank transfers.
Automate lets you:
1. Spread automatic deposits across Shares, Micro, and Primary Cash
This is a feature our community has been requesting in droves. Members can now consolidate all automatic deposits and spread them across different options.
For instance, an investor could choose to funnel 70% of their automatic deposit into Shares, 20% into Pearler Micro, and 10% into Primary Cash.
2. Roundup into either Shares OR Micro
Previously, Roundup was solely the domain of Pearler Micro. Now, with the advent of Automate, our community can also invest their spare change into US and AU shares.
Once your rounded up cash reaches your investing threshold, it will automatically buy the investment of your choice.

3. Manage multiple external accounts
In the past, contributing to Autoinvest with more than one external bank account was a hassle. Thanks to Automate, Pearler community members now have the freedom to manage multiple bank accounts.
This will make a big difference for investors who build their portfolios from various sources.