I'm looking for a long term investment, something like an open ended mutual fund !
Open Ended Mutual Fund
21 October 2022
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Hi Arjun.
«Mutual funds» are what US investors refer to managed funds. An «open ended mutual fund» in Australian terms is basically a managed fund which you can invest in whenever you want.
And given you’re using Pearler, I can assume you’re talking about ‘listed’ managed funds, such as index funds.
The truth is there are so many different options for long term investing in managed funds/index funds, and no perfect answer for everyone. Have a browse around on the Explore page for a big list of the most commonly invested in managed funds on the Pearler platform:
You might also want to read this article on researching investments:
Hope that helps :)
Honestly Arjun, this is like saying “I’m after a suit – something black. Any thoughts?” It’s such a huuuge question. Everyone has their own financial situation, mindset and timeframe (just like everyone has their own fashion style)!
When Mia says ‘long term’, she might mean 10 years, and Melinda means 30 years.
Mike might want to pay for active management because he aims to beat the market’s performance, while Joanne might want cheap, cheerful and passively managed.
Lizzy might like a higher risk level, because she has time to smooth out the market’s volatility over the long term. But
Louise is pretty risk-averse and would rather something that has lower returns, but lets her sleep soundly at night. So, as you can see, it’s a very personal question.
With all this in mind, if you’re looking for a long-term investment, some of the factors to consider are:
Cost – what level of management fee are you ok with?
Active or Passive management – this will affect cost
Reputation and past performance of the fund manager (but past performance is no promise of the future!)
Markets – international or Australian investments? Emerging or developed economies?
Single asset class or diversified? Refer to the sangria example above!
Timeframe and risk level – how much risk can you tolerate and over what period?
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