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Investment strategy

I have paid off my mortgage at age 53. Now wanting to invest not trade. Looking at Australian ETFs and REITs. $340k in super. Would like to maximise my investment strategy so I can hopefully transition to retirement ( TTR) at 60.

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Valli Beattie

23 January 2024


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Dave Gow - Strong Money Australia


Thu, 25th January 2024

Hi Valli. Great job paying off the mortgage, that’s fantastic.

With a timeframe of 7+ years, and a healthy balance already, a TTR at 60 (along with a pension later) looks like a very realistic and achievable strategy.

Hopefully you’re now able to save a good amount each month given no more mortgage payment. If you’d like to maximise the end result, depending on the situation, i think it’s worth researching your super and the tax impacts.

But if you also want to start building investments outside super just in case things change and you can keep access to the money, that makes sense too. Take a look at the most popular ETFs on the following page and do some reading on which line up with how you want to invest:

Nobody here can tell you precisely what to invest in, so that part is up to you. But you’re in a great position already, and you’re on the right track, so just take your time learning and start slowly once you feel confident.

All the best.



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