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using dividend money to buy shares

Currently i receive cash payments for the dividends i receive into my bank account. How do i change this so that the dividend paid actually purchases more shares in the company rather than receiving the cash.

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Warren Inkster

29 September 2022


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Dave Gow - Strong Money Australia


Wed, 5th October 2022

Hi Warren.

You will need to do this by contacting the Share Registry that the company/fund uses to handle its dividend payments.

You would’ve received login information for the share registry relating to the share within a few weeks of your first investment in the fund/company. From here, you can log on and elect to participate in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP). Most shares offer this, but just so you’re aware, there are some that don’t.

If you’re not sure which share registry it is, you can google the share name + share registry and you should be able to find it. Or put the share name here and one of us can tell you which one it is :)

Hope that helps.



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Cathy Sun


Wed, 5th October 2022

Hi Warren,

Thanks for this popular question!

Most dividend related items need to be updated at the share registry level. The three big registries that most companies use in Australia are Computershare , Link Market Services and BoardRoom .

The registry has the following responsibilities:

– Recording changes in share ownership

– Issuing shareholding statements

– Manages dividend payments, bonuses, and rights issues.

Once logged into the registry portal, you will be able to turn on dividend reinvestment (DRP).

When your dividends get reinvested, they first appear in your Pearler account as an increase in the number of units you hold. About a day later they appear as a “Dividend Reinvestment” item on the Transactions page. Pearler reports all shares held under your HIN. However, if your dividends have not yet accumulated enough to purchase additional units, the payouts will be held with the registry until that happens.

For popular shares, you can find the responsible registry on Pearler when you click on that share from your Dashboard.


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