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HIN across multiple brokers

Am I able to use my existing HIN to sign up to pearler, but still keep my other shares recorded with my existing broker?

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Jodie Errington.

22 July 2022


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nick nicolaides


Fri, 22nd July 2022

Hi Jodie! This is a question we get a lot. The short answer is no unfortunately, but you have two main choices:

  1. Have Pearler pull your existing HIN and all the shares from your existing broker. This can take a week or so, but once you’ve requested it you’re all done and there’s no need to update details with the share registries. This is the most popular option and even if you’ve already got a new HIN with Pearler, once your main HIN comes across, we can help send any shares you’ve bought on the new HIN to the main one so they’re all in the one place.

  2. Have Pearler set you up with a new HIN. This is the quickest way to get set up, but the only real inconvenience is that when you buy new shares/ETFs you’ll just need to log into the share registry once to nominate DRP or where to send divs. You can either leave the other shares where they are, or bring the shares over (leaving the old HIN empty).

From feedback we get, its more of an personal preference to have everything in one place. It makes things simpler for sure. Really though, other than a tiny bit of admin, it doesnt have any extra cost or other implications to have a HIN with a few brokers and leave things where they are. Hope this helps!



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